10000 forum users celebration - special event


But yeah.

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Looks like admin is gonna learn a new language…

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Time to suffer Admin’s chastisement.

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Yes system, this is a complete sentence.


I said “just do it”. I did not say “I am ok with you doing it”.

But the way you explained it was awesome, good job :clap:

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How dare you take it down :sob:

Wait you didn’t, nvm.

I’m confused :confused:

Why is it back up again?

It wasn’t and then I clicked the notif history with the edit you made and it came back?

Le what?

Sorry if I messed up something XD


oh… my school made their own extension!


Wait, why boo… oh no…


No, no no no… please Lord oh no…


Please no, no no no…




(I decided shortly thereafter just for fun, since I am a nice boi, that I will scan the extension for vulnerabilities and also to see where IT is at with their knowledge of JS, as the extension still has plenty of flaws)

Nobody touched it. The forum may have just had a little “I’m not going to show this just to freak him out” moment. Apparently it worked :slight_smile:


Oh no! I’m going to go check it out :slight_smile:

Ok well, you said “just do it” and then provided information in a way it sounded like you meant “yeah it’s ok”.

Sorry if I did something wrong then :sweat_smile:

I think it’s uploaded unofficially and not on the store.

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You did nothing wrong :slight_smile:
The extension must be just for your district because I cannot find it.

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Like I said, it must have been uploaded via policy and not the chrome webstore.

Also, the title (when you click on options, which usually leads to the webstore page for that extension) leads to the homepage of the school’s website.

I always love finding what I consider “propaganda” for businesses and centers that I feel have problems. I get that this is advertising, and what they are doing for the school actually is to some extent, helpful. I also get that blocking YT has a reason (students here usually have a hard time focusing and so blocking distractions is a big idea here). However, I feel that from stories I have heard that IT doesn’t really care or at least doesn’t act that way. Again, these stories are from students and so I get that it may be biased, but it still feels that they are a bit tyranistic. Funny how I want them to be (I feel it deep down). Maybe it is because I love complaining and debating. Christ, help me not to be as I want to have good virtues XD

Yeah, this school feels sucky. Oh well. Ima sync the acc to my computer and access the extensions from the program data. If chrome tries to block access (which might), I always can rewrite the perms (I have full admin access over my computer). What fun :smiling_imp:


I did not see that post, sorry.

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It’s ok.

Heck, I don’t even know if I want to trust my school with my personal passwords (I use the same one, except for some sites which are known to be a bit insecure, like Roblox. I have started to generate passwords via chrome now that I have a computer, however).

Even as I am typing to you, I don’t know how safe I am.

GG (GoGuardian, more like grisly gruesome) used to have a keystroke logger, so who knows what they have now!

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I thought you use that for school work, not personal. I did think you had a personal machine though…

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I did. But last year (before I cut off contact because I was working with my grandparents during the summer) I did not.