403 errors

epiz_29358938 northernhill.infinityfreeapp.com

403 Forbidden

The website’s configuration prevents you from accessing this page.

Any NEW pages uploaded give this error

old pages work fine

What’s going on ?


Gives : 403 error

@WTFisgoingon, welcome to the forums!
I think 403 means forbidden. Also as per to the TOS, chat script are not allowed, either rename the file or i guess infinityfree isn’t the right choice for you :frowning_face:.


Please note that chat scripts are not allowed, and filemales contains the word “Chat” are prohibited. If the file is not a chat script, simply change its name and it will work fine. If it is a chat script, please remove it for find a new hosting provider.

@jaikrishna.t, HTTP 403 means forbidden, so this is not related to a crash in PHP code.


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