404 Page Not Found


Error Message : 404 Page Not Found

The page you were looking for could not be found! If you entered the URL manually, please double check what you’ve entered. If you clicked a button, please click the back button in your browser.

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After Creating Database and uploading my localfiles im getting this error 404 page not found
before it was showing welcome page but after connecting to database its showing this error

Welcome, pls read…


Your PHP code redirects people to http://gamebase93.freecluster.eu/homepage/ , but that URL does not exist. Please make sure all files are uploaded to your site, including any .htaccess files to handle the pretty URLs.


i dont have htaccess file and the developer is saying that htaccess file is located in sever so ask admin the path of htaccess file
so plese tell me the path of htaccess file

Path is given in ur VPanel

I couldnt find it.can you plese help me

open file manager, go to /htdocs/.htaccess


there no file called .htaccess in htdocs but outside of that there is .htaccess

create the file instead, and don’t edit .htaccess file that’s outside htdocs


ok i will try it .thank you

after creating .htaccess file and adding website url its showing
“This site can’t provide a secure connection”
and now

You need to install an SSL certificate


Currently i dont want padlock and https to site i just want it open so how can i do it?? im just tesating the site design and functionalities so i dont need https and padlock now

I believe ur .htaccess is doing a http to https redirect.
Remove that.



ok i will try it and let you know

it worked with some other solutions


but when click on button its showing No such file or directory but its working fine in local

This exact error message and it’s cause are described in our knowledge base:


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