404 page

I uploaded a site-specific 404 page:  https://youniverse.international/404.shtml

When an unknown url is used, example: https://youniverse.international/tomato.html then a Freehostia 404 is shown.

I asked Cloudflare forum how to resolve this and they advised: "You need to specify that file somewhere in the configuration as default 404 handler."

I would welcome any possible advice on how to accomplish this, as I have no idea how to achieve that.

Thank you,


I followed the advice on previous forum requests to create the  .htaccess file in htdocs folder of the domain and 404’s are still accessing https://infinityfree.net/errors/404/
I tried

ErrorDocument 404 /404.shtml
ErrorDocument 400  https://youniverse.international/404.shtml/errors/400/
these don’t work.
Any ideas would be welcome

I got success with

RewriteEngine on
ErrorDocument 404 /404.shtml
in a .htaccess file in htdocs folder

You can try using the vPanel to do it for you.
Go to VistaPanel’s Advanced Section and there you can see the “Error Pages” settings. You will only need to insert your 404 or any error pages links in there. Much more faster and efficient, recommended for users who aren’t really comfortable coding.