42web.io is down

Since the 2nd of October, the domain 42web.io is down.

Subdomains of 42web.io are unreachable

With 42web.io itself being unreachable, all free subdomains of 42web.io are unreachable as well. There is sadly no workaround for this.

If you do need your website to be reachable urgently, you can of course create an additional subdomain for your hosting using another domain name. You can do so through the Subdomains section in your control panel.

What caused this issue?

We suspect that the domain name was taken down by the .io registry following an abuse complaint. However, we have not received any information from either our registrar or the .io registry yet about this.

When will this issue be resolved?

We’re trying to get in touch with the registry and registrar to get more information about the current status of the domain, and if and when the domain can be restored.


42web.io uses only 2 NS of Byet?(Or is it propagation issue?)

Nope, that’s all good! The domain was reactivated last night and everything should be back up. Please note that due to DNS caching it can still take a day or two for every site to be accessible again everywhere.


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