500 Error when trying to request a certificate

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I have gotten SSL many times before and this had never happened. I am using GoGetSSL in the https://app.infinityfree.net/ssls . please help

Update: It now says 403 Forbidden when trying to do it:

It looks like it did not work, did you copy the keys correctly and leave the third box in the SSL/TLS section blank?

It works now, just waiting for the certificate to be changed from ‘pending’ to ‘issued’
And now, it randomly says ‘Not Ready’ even though the CName Record is there, so I have to delete it and readd it, and it usually works after that. I’ll reply and tell when it’s done.

Ok, it should work now. :slight_smile:

I joined your forum my user is @ㅤㅤㅤ loool

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