502 Bad Gateway

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL


Error Message

502 Bad Gateway

Other Information

Hello! I am currently in the process of setting up a website for a game on Roblox. I installed WordPress via Softaculous (I see it has been updated - very nice) and it installed fine. I installed Elementor & Royal Elementor Plugins and after installing Elementor, the site wouldn’t let me in. It would say something about an SSL alert. I have my site going through CloudFlare. I restarted my computer and I now get 502 Bad Gateway. I disabled index.php in the htdocs folder and created an index.html file to see if anything would happen - no change.

Can someone help me? Thanks!

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Same issue. My site gone down. 502 bad gateway error.

The issue was resolved, but it’s back again :frowning: .

And it’s now fixed again? Is this maybe something to do with DNS?

Guess what. It turned off again.

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