502 Bad Gateway

Hello, I had opened my website, and it showed a 502 Bad Gateway error. I kept refreshing it, and still this error. It’s been happening for 10 minutes now and still won’t stop. How do I fix this?

hola administrador,

Tengo un error 502 bad gate nginx.
por favor, ayúdenme . Mi sitio es dadosmillonarios.com.ve

necesito solucionarlo por favor , Gracias…

hello administrator,

I have an error 502 bad gate nginx.
please help me . My site is dicemillonarios.com.ve

I need to solve it please, Thanks …

@TristianK3604 said:
hello administrator,

I have an error 502 bad gate nginx.
please help me . My site is dicemillonarios.com.ve

I need to solve it please, Thanks …

thank you TristianK3604!
you server is: http://sme7bpdg.epizy.com ?

No, mine is hud2esjj.epizy.com, and I have another one that’s experiencing this error and I don’t know what that one is.