504 Gateway Time-out

Hi team,

Is realy strange, i am only use small space for check my other webservice. Today detected problem, 504 Gateway Time-Out and redirected to page : http://myaccount.unlockpin.net to http://suspended-website.com

Free hosting suspended ? Not notified for suspend ? On dashboard hosting is not notifified suspended or disabled …

Please help, my website is offline.

Best regards,

its not yours only,many people have problem currently

Hi FluffyDuke,

Thx for information,
All suspended ? Is not resolved for my space…

Best regards,

I am also currently facing the same 504 issue while opening https://cpanel.epizy.com/panel/indexpl.php?option=installer&ttt=-1493892835357914112%20target%20=%20'_blank'

Even website not rechable, please let me know if this is because of the maintenance?

Thanks, hopefully this will be fixed soon.

The current issue experienced by you is related to the temporary upgrade that iFastNet is doing.

InfinityFree is partially affected by the issue.

Your websites are going to be usable soon and you will be able to enjoy benefits of free hosting and undisturbed creation of new content.

@bbot22 you are live :star_struck:
wb man !

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