525 Error

My website URL is: etoppicker.com

What I’m seeing is: Error 512

Its almost 3 day i’m facing this problem. Whenever i open my site it show Error 512. Please resolve my problem. My name server is also updated.

Additional information:

Did you mean “Error 521 - Web server is down”? Because that’s what I had been seing on your website. To solve that, make sure your records are correct on the “DNS” Page of the Cloudflare dashboard, if not edit the records for @ and www to include the site IP you got by digging the Main Domain here, replacing hshx727d.epizy.com with your Main Domain that you can find by following these instructions and remove the other records that don’t have an IP that contains 185.27.134 for @ and www.

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@Ergastolator1 i edit it but now it shows Error 525 how can i resolve it

If you access the website through HTTPS, that’s the problem: you either need to set the SSL option to “Flexible” in the SSL/TLS Page of the Cloudflare dashboard for your domain or install a SSL certificate on your hosting account, either bought or generated via the “SSL Certificates” section of the Client Area, before using the “Full” or “Full (strict)” SSL modes on your Cloudflare dashboard.

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Thank you @Ergastolator1

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