About the free hosting


  1. With the host can t-on send mailbombin?
  2. For example so reaches(affects) 1000 registered a day, is what to go to you to block(surround) the site?
  3. Can you one make services of donations ?
  1. Mailbombing, spam and unsolicited bulk email is strictly forbidden on our service.
  2. Registered users are just rows in a database, we don’t limit those specifically. However, there is a limit to the number of active users who can visit your website in a day. How many visitors that is highly depends on your website and how your users behave on it.
  3. We don’t accept donations at the moment. If you have some money to spare and would like to support us, please consider buying a hosting account or domain name on XVHOST.com. That helps us a lot too.
  1. How to send newstaller
  2. Then I assets(credit notes) for example: 1000 registered by days = 10000 visitor

@QandA1 said:

  1. How to send newstaller
  2. Then I assets(credit notes) for example: 1000 registered by days = 10000 visitor
  1. I’d recommend Mailchimp for that. They’ve got good templates, a easy user interface and a free tier.
  2. I have no idea what you mean. Are you referring to a feature on your site or resource limits of your hosting account?