About website running

Hello everybody. Who know reasons why my website is not running?
Here is result after 72 hours

Because you have no “index” file. Whatever file you want to show when your site is opened needs to be named “index.html” or “index.php” depending in what type of file it is.

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I added my index.php file here , but it is not working

Can you show the full screen?

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Well, you have the index file in the “public” folder. So if you go to “yoursite.com/public” it will show. You need an “index” file in the htdocs directory that will show when just the url (“yoursite.com”) is typed into the browser.


Looking at the directory list, this looks like a Laravel site. So I would suggest to use these .htaccess rules to fix this:


2 posts were split to a new topic: Unable to login to wp admin (error 500)

If you add some code to your .htaccess file, you can also display other file extensions with a file name of “index”, or even another file name, like “blah”!

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When I try go to public there is a problem with here but I thin my composer is fine

in this case I have problem with this

Please read the comment lines at the top of the file you were trying to edit and follow the instructions provided there.

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