account password

Hi, I have regenerated my password on infinityfree several times but when I go to type it it tells me that it has not been recognized by the system,
These credentials do not match our records.
How can I do ?

Double check to make sure you’re typing in the new password correctly. If it still doesn’t work, you may want to reset your password.


Please note that our system uses a few different passwords for different services. There is the password for the client area at, that’s identified with an email address and a password. And within the client area profile, you’ll probably have one or more hosting accounts that each have a username and a password as well.

All of these passwords are different for security reasons, but you typically only need to actually remember or store the client area password, because you can just obtain the hosting account password from the client area.

The error message is from the client area. So please remember that you’ll need to login with your email address there and the client area password. If you do not remember the client area password, you an reset it through the client area: Reset your password - InfinityFree


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