Account Suspended for reaching Daily Resource Limit

Website URL:
Username: epiz_27968587

Error Occured:

Today my Account is Suspended for reaching Daily Resource Limit. On 3/06/2021 for I/O Limit it was suspended. It was fixed yesterday and site was working fine. But Today Morning Again Suspended. I don’t think there is a issue from my site as i removed all unnecessary Plugins and took a look from beginning of site till the end. Please Fix this as soon as possible.

Even though you removed everything that’s “unnecessary”, that doesn’t mean that the things that are left aren’t overloading the servers.

I see no reason to assume that the limit calculations aren’t working as they are supposed to. But it’s hard to be sure either way since we only keep counters per account per day.

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Can you give me a solution for this?? How to fix this issue. My Website gets fixed after 24 hours but gets suspended again.

Delete everything and slowly add stuff back on. When you get suspended, you know that something on your site (or everything combined) is putting too much stress on the server.

As Admim said:

Just because you removed some stuff, it was not enough. You need to remove enough to get under the limit (basically, your site needs to put less on the server). If you don’t feel like doing this (or you cannot), you will have to upgrade to premium hosting.
Best of luck!

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Earlier like for 5 months there was no problem but from June 2,2021. Problems have started like Database Error, Suspended Domain, I/O Limit, Daily Entry Limit. It gets fixed within 24 hours then another problem arises.

Well, something is obviously causing it. You will have to figure out what changed, or what is causing it, and fix it.
Best of luck.

What you can do is use the Troubleshooter plugin and use it to disable all of your plugins (don’t worry it is only on your end everyone else sees the same as before). Then test if your website loaded faster or slower. Another option is if you use cloudflare follow this tutorial:

My third option is to actually not use WordPress at all, there are a lot of security issues (that you need plugins to solve, hence adding to the load), high load, and other things. You can use this CMS called Publii, that generates static files and uploads them to your dashboard. You get a clean user interface and a lot of features that you normally would need plugins for. Pretty much the only reason you would need WordPress is if you want and ecommerce site (you can do that on Publii, you just need a third party ecommerce feature) or a site that needs people to create a lot of accounts. Tutorial:


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