Account Suspended / No Cpanel Icons / Redirect to

Does your website redirect to Are most of the icons missing from your control panel? That means your account is probably suspended.

Login to your InfinityFree client area and check the account status. If it’s listed as Active in your account lists, it’s probably just a temporary issue. If it’s listed as Suspended, click the account username in the list.

In the next screen will be some details as to why your account is suspended, as well as instructions on what to do next.

For more information about the different suspension reasons, please see the FAQ article:

Thanks for telling us administrator :). I already submitted a ticket for my account to be activated and see what went wrong with the script.

Thanks for telling us administrator :). I already submitted a ticket for my account to be activated and see what went wrong with the script.

There are a lot of questions about this, even though we can’t handle such problems on the forums. It’s better if people know right away what they should do rather than have to search for it or have to wait for someone to tell them.

I can’t login a my account “Login Details Incorrect. Please try again.”
So i can’t send you a ticket,can you reactivated my account here?

Username : fceu_17363020

–Thank You–

I can’t login a my account “Login Details Incorrect. Please try again.”
So i can’t send you a ticket,can you reactivated my account here?

Username : fceu_17363020

–Thank You–

“Login Details Incorrect” means what it says: your login details are incorrect, it is not a symptom of suspension. However, your account is suspended now so please submit a ticket.

do support work sundays ?

Mine gets redirected to hostinger website. what does this mean? pleas advice. ty


Of course XVHost support works every day just like InfinityFree forum staff.

We check forum topics, questions and help tickets every day so there is nothing much to worry about.


Username: fceu_18280780

My account got suspended and I hope I can still recover it.
Thanks in advance. (wasntme)

Username: fceu_18280780

My account got suspended and I hope I can still recover it.
Thanks in advance. (wasntme)

Can you please submit a ticket about that? Account suspensions are easier to handle in private. You can submit your ticket here:

10/10 Satisfaction!
Nice service. Going to try your paid hosting soon. :wink:

Username: fceu_18280780

My account got suspended and I hope I can still recover it.
Thanks in advance. (wasntme)

Can you please submit a ticket about that? Account suspensions are easier to handle in private. You can submit your ticket here:

Okay, may account has been deactivated. ;(
Username: fceu_18280780

If your account was suspended, you need to submit a ticket. We cannot and will not handle account suspensions on the forums, so there is no point in posting about your suspension here.

If your account was suspended, you need to submit a ticket. We cannot and will not handle account suspensions on the forums, so there is no point in posting about your suspension here.

I already submitted a ticket before posting my problem here.

My site will be suspended of a cause limit of CPU…


My web site will be suspended of cause the CPU limits…Why?

( - webcontent


Why the free hosted websites will be suspended, I wants to know about suspension, CPU daily limit ?

The CPU limits are legal trouble for free hosted website termination…

Okay, what are Daily Hits ?

Okay, what are Daily Hits ?

Please don’t hijack a topic with your own question. If you have a different question, please ask it in a separate topic.

Hello, I sent you a question via ticket, with username rfgd_18738968. Check please.