Account Suspended Problem

My website is automaticly redirect to Special offer and Discount Coupon
I use this page for my personal purpose and not too much traffic. How can we reactivate my account, my information on database is so important for me.

You can check your client area to see the reason for the suspension.
If the suspension is not from breaking the TOS, hosting accounts are automatically reactivated after 24 hours.

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it says " Your account was suspended because you hit the MySQL Usage Limits" does it mean i use too much database?

Well… you may not be using toooo much but you used too much according to the limits, that are somewhat low.

You can read this knowledge base article for more info about your suspension:

Don’t forget to always backup your database, files and folders and save them somewhere safe.


Thanks for your support. Does my account reactivated again as it says in 16 hours?

Yes, they usually take about 24 hours, from the time of suspension, to automatically reactivate.


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