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I was in the process of creating my website and now I have to wait 24 hours. Can someone please explain. I don’t want to continue to have these issues, if so I will discontinue this service.
(other information and details relevant to your question)

I know that someTHING can explain. Which is the client area. Which tells you exactly what limit you hit, and links to an article with more information about that limit.

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So is this normal when trying to update a website? If so I don’t think that is very good at all.

If you cannot keep to the limits, this is what will happen.

What isn’t good is that many packages for making websites generate a vast amount of bloat which makes them much more expensive to host. If you craft your own website directly you can get a hundred times as much into them without getting near the limits here, so you’re criticising the wrong thing. Think about the environmental impact of all that unnecessary bloat and look for a better way to build your site instead of rewarding the bloatmongers.

I couldn’t understand a bit actually :joy:. Mind shortening your paragraph on “impact”

Did you check the client area? Did you read the article with more information? Does it say that hitting this limit is likely caused by uploading a website?


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