
Can I use adsense in this subdomain

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In what subdomain? At any rate, yes you can put ads on your own site.


I think for AdSense, Google does not accept subdomains and only accept paid domains, so it is not recommended to use subdomains.

It is better if you buy a paid domain at a cheap price according to the service provider

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I submitted my subdomain site in absense. It got Approval . I think trouble is infinity free suspension.

But you’re allowed to put ads on it, so as long as they’re not illegal then why would they suspend you for it?


some free hosting websites don’t allows adsense to earn money . They will suspend the free host.
I don’t know about infinity free hosting rules to put adds on their subdomain blogs.

You are free to put ads on your own website. We will not suspend any account for showing ads.

The only reason I can think of ads would be banned if it would conflict with the ads installed by the hosting provider. But we don’t add any ads to websites hosted with us, so there is no reason for us to ban ads.


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