Again website not loading

That’s weird, now it’s working. Maybe you have to wait for the changes to settle?

On mobile this is what demo.html looks like:

This is what page1.html looks like

It seems there is an issue with demo1.html on mobile, note before i was using a pc and demo1 came out fine

But the local html files works good…

Some one PLEASE help…

It loooks the same in my friends’ computer, he is miles far away. for him too the website is not loaded. But in GEO Peeker it looks correctly: GeoPeeker - A tool for viewing sites from different geographic locations

This may be because of something like Country’s cache or anything??

It would only be due to a computer/router/dns server cache, like we have said, refresh the cache, flush the dns settings, use a different browser, as it may just be the browser.

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but why my friends( he is far miles away nearly 1000 km) but he could not see the website properly, but in geopeeker from diff. countries it is working

Well first, geopeeker will not keep a cache of websites, hence why it takes so long to load, also please wait as many people have said;


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