"All CNAME records are already set up, no changes were made.Please wait for DNS propagation/caching"

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL


(please specify the website or account you are asking about)

Error Message

" All CNAME records are already set up, no changes were made. Please wait for DNS propagation/caching."

(please share the FULL error message you see)

Other Information

This was several hours ago.

Before this, on the " Verify your domain brendoninspires.com" page, it says next to “Current Destination”, “No CNAME found (not ready)”.

And if I go back a page to " SSL Certificates", it says under Status: “Pending”.

Does this mean I just need to wait for it to work, or did I do something incorrectly?

(other information and details relevant to your question)

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Further information:

On the CNAME Records page of the control panel, there is an entry named “_acme-challenge.brendoninspires.com.” with a long string of text as the destination.

I have and will leave it be, but if someone could please clarify if this is the normal waiting period, and how long it might take, or if I’ve done something incorrectly, I’d appreciate it. Thanks.

Likely due to this

as I am seeing this




This has now been resolved automatically by the system. Thanks


It has now REVERTED to “not secure”. Can anyone help?

I am mistaken: There is a HTTPS version AND a HTTP insecure version. I will try to follow the instructions to force HTTPS


Managed to do it.

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