Apache/PHP Entry Process Limit

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL


Error Message

This site/page has used all avaialble php / apache processes allowed on free hosting account.

Refreshing the page once the amount of apache / php processes are reduced will cause the site to work

Other Information

I don’t want this error message on my website. Please remove it for me thanks!.

It sounds like you are at a limit of free hosting. Please read the below article.
This site/page has used all available php / apache processes - InfinityFree Knowledge Base


Ya i have read all the text

Just let me know how can i remove the error message

I will never make a lot of traffic again

Just remove it: This site/page has used all available php / apache processes allowed on free hosting account.

Refreshing the page once the amount of apache / php processes are reduced will cause the site to work

I was just testing my registration form

Ok, I don’t understand your question then. The article explains how to remove it, and if you are unwilling/unable to do those things, you will need to upgrade to premium hosting. If the traffic goes down, and the PHP / Apache processes on your site goes down, it will be removed automatically.

I don’t think you read this part:

The process allocation on free hosting cannot be increased upon request. We treat all accounts equally, and will not give people unfair benefits just because they ask for it.

We will not remove it; you have to fit into the limits of free hosting. Unfortunately, that is one of the main downfalls of free hosting, but it is free…

Also, if you reach this limit just by testing your contact forum, just think what will happen when your site gets real traffic…
You may need to change some things, or be willing to pay.


Thanks a lot Sir

What is the traffic limit that i can have on daily basis just for testing forms

I just want to know how many individuals can participate as a traffic user on daily basis. Is it 2 ,3 or 4. How many?

Well, if it was just the forum, you would not be hitting the limit. There is probably a lot on your site using PHP/Apache Entry process. Also, I recommend not creating as many posts, because as a new user you can only post X times every 24 hours. Also, the actual limit is not given out, so people cannot cheat around it (by having like 1 under or something).

Like I said, the limit is pretty large, so it’s probably more than just a contact forum on your site.

and one thing

I delete the users on daily basis when i register them for testing forms so that the site won’t get load. Is this practice makes the suspension risk low?

Deleting does nothing. The processes are created when the site has to load PHP content, not when that content is stored.


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