Before I Go #Giveaway

I want to give my unused namecheap account, for those of you who want to find out what namecheap and its services are for people who have never used it.

This domain has never been made into anything either a blog or anything, so this domain is fresh (New Domain for New Owners)

I gave my account name for free, you can change your email address and password after logging in and there are two domains with the extension .me

Which ended on June 11, 2020
The domain is free if you want to do it, whether you want it to be renewed or not is no problem because the paid domain will automatically expire if it is not renewed and you will not be charged at all.

The domain is arguably beautiful, the domain has 4 digit characters and also the other domain is a song title of a famous singer

Who quickly he can, Come take and congratulate the lucky ones

Login Namecheap (
Username: beebuzz
Password: giveaway123

Don’t forget who get this account, please comment :slight_smile: Good luck

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About $4 x2. It’s still worth of money.

I also often ordered many domains on 1and1 for testing purpose, but the price was not up to $1/domain.

Btw, sad to see you leave, Bro.

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yes bro, the people who get this account not comment on this section and this giveaway is real and so sad too you don’t lucky to this have one

ngecek email kirain yang udah dapet yang komen taunya bukan, haha :slight_smile:

btw, udah lama gak kepake itu akun dan iseng aja sih daftarnya, waktu domainnya lagi promo itu harganya gak nyampe segitu

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@adisp007 cek message bro, ada hadiah :slight_smile:

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