Cache control

Every time I open my website I have to refresh it to see result
How can I diasble cache

Hello there,

You may want to check this article out:

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You can disable caching by using or editing .htaccess. And if you’re using wordpress, there’s a plugin for it which you can set the expiration date of the images, files (including html and css).

Can you tell step wise step to disable it via

simply google it.

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Yes, there’s a lot of quick-tutorial on internet that can easily help you.

Will it increase the hits

This should disable the cache on everything
put this in .htaccess file inside of your htdocs

 # no cache 
 <IfModule mod_headers.c>
 Header set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
 Header set Expires 0

A better option is to adjust the behavior of cache in your browser… if you use it for developing !

NOTE that HTTP/S requests to your website will grow rapidly


Yes, disabling cache will slow down your site and increase hits usage.

We enable cache on all websites by default because most websites benefit from having it. If disabling cache is always the better option, nobody would use cache.


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