Can anybody else edit the knowledge base other than the Admin

Can anybody else edit the knowledge base other than the Admin?

No, no one else but the Admin can edit the Knowledge Base with new articles or correcting the old ones.


The knowledge base articles are baked directly into the code of the main website. It makes the site really fast, but does mean that only people with access to the website source code can make changes to it. Which is just me right now.

Can I ask why you wanted to know this? Were you interested in contributing?


I wanted to help make some knowledge articles better (Grammar, clarifications).
Such as this article

means → It means
php → PHP
ram → RAM.
If you are unable to reduce the memory usage of the script you should upgrade your account → If these steps didn’t reduce how much memory was used, you should consider upgrading your account. Additionaly, this article on practicing memory management for PHP may help. Best practices for managing memory in a PHP script? - Stack Overflow

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