Can I get administrative reports via email?

If I install a Linux distribution of some kind like CentOS, one of the basic things set up is an email account that begins sending administrative reports via email to the server’s own email servers.

Is there a similar way that I can get similar reports of my own share of a server’s activities? I would especially like to get email reports of my CRON activity, but anything might be useful.

Well, we don’t have any tools which automatically send you status reports (I personally find such e-mails to be annoying and spammy unless it’s something I need to look into, but to each their own I guess). However, you could implement it in your own website of course.

Well, we don’t have any tools which automatically send you status reports (I personally find such e-mails to be annoying and spammy unless it’s something I need to look into, but to each their own I guess). However, you could implement it in your own website of course.

I am most concerned with CRON reports. If I have CRON privileges, I would like an email report of the results of the CRON job. Such reports might have nothing to do with a website.

I am most concerned with CRON reports. If I have CRON privileges, I would like an email report of the results of the CRON job. Such reports might have nothing to do with a website.

Our cron jobs can only do things related to your website. What kind of cron jobs do you expect to run that don’t hit your website code in some way?

I was hoping that with a Premium upgrade, I would be able to automate uploads to the site using wget and CRON. And also I would need to run Perl scripts to process uploads. I currently home host a site at and these are the kinds of processes I run on this server that I maintain myself.

I understand if this is not possible. I could continue to run wget and the Perl scripts from my residence and still make use of the InfinityFree site. I currently use SME server on the home hosted site, a distro of CentOS, but SME does not use MySQL 5.5 or better as your site does. This was my first interest.

On XVHOST, you can use Perl and execute other commands with cron jobs. You’ll also get MySQL 5.6, just like here.