Can’t create MySQL table

I do not know much about creating MySQL tables but I have done it successfully once. Now I am having trouble. I made the database then a table but I can’t save it. There is a GO button but it doesn’t seem to work. Most likely this problem is simply because I do not understand it well enough. But thanks for any help.

What is the error you got

Nothing. It just doesn’t do anything.
Update: Actually there is also a SAVE button. If I use that instead of the GO button it says “Please enter a valid length”. I don’t know what that means but maybe that’s my problem.

Please go to the length section
and put how much value in that section
for example
if i put one
i click save and it create a table

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Thank you! If I do that I don’t get any errors but when I go to my database later it says no tables found in this database.

refresh and it should say the database name

It still doesn’t totally work but it does seem to work if I write the SQL myself (or rather copy and paste it :wink:). I guess I should learn to do that anyway

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