Cannot upload via client area file manager (monsta ftp)

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is:

I always get the above error when trying to upload via the client area file manager. I need some clue if I’m doing it the wrong way. Thanks

Just for reference: what is the domain or IP you see in the address bar? Does it say or

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No meu caso o mesmo acontece. Na barra de endereços, aparece

I have the same problem. How to resolve it?! PLEASE!!! I am a teacher and these are my lessons for the next remote sessionn…

Try using a FTP client like FileZilla or WinSCP, both of them are completely free.

Monsta Hosting:

What I’m seeing is: On the Monsta file manager, I have tried to upload a folder containing some files for a part of my website but after about the 2nd file I get an error saying: Upload Failed: Session key not set. I have tried reloading the page, deleting the current files & re uploading them but nothing seems to work. I would be gratefull if anyone could help!

Hello, please try using a FTP client like FileZilla or WinSCP.

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It would seem that there is an issue with the session storage in the file manager we host. I’ll look into this soon.

In the mean time, you can use the Online File Manager link in the control panel instead. It’s the same software (MonstaFTP), but a different installation which isn’t known to have this problem.

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Thanks. I do as you say and its working

I did some investigation and found why our MonstaFTP installation has this issue and the one in the control panel doesn’t. runs the latest version of MonstaFTP, which has a new bulk upload system which should be faster than the old uploader. However, it appears that this system still has some bugs. I contacted MonstaFTP about this, and they said they are aware of the issues and will release a new version soon which should improve this.

The reason MonstaFTP in the control panel doesn’t have this issue is because it uses an older version of MonstaFTP, which doesn’t have the new, somewhat broken uploader.

I wish we could downgrade. Unfortunately, MonstaFTP does not provide downloads for older versions, and we don’t have backups of this either. So downgrading is not an option.


Thanks a lot! Its really VERY helpful! Stay safe!

i didn’t understand the statement above but im having issues uploading my files and folders
it’s giving me an error message like THE UPLOAD FAILED: SESSION KEY NOT SET


I moved your post to the appropriate topic and above is the answer to your question


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