Can't keep site live

Check all of the domain sections in the control panel. Addon domains and Parked domains for example.

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I’m still getting suspension notices. Is this because I didn’t check all other sections? I did it before that response.

It shows I have no domain assigned to this account, so how can it still be getting shut down?
Screen Shot 2021-10-08 at 3.48.07 PM

Check the control panel, the client area is not always accurate.

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Does this mean I’m totally suspended? I really just want to pull the damn site off of IF. Can I do that with it suspended?

Yes, probably because you hit the limit too many times.

Well, you can open a ticket in the client area asking for a copy of your files, and for them to release your domain. You should be able to create a new account with the same stuff than, just make sure you delete all plugins from the plugin folder before you re-upload.


I doubt so, unless is it a new domain

It’s a custom domain, so they should release it, right?

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If it is a custom domain causing server to be overloaded, why should they allow it to happen again?


It shouldn’t:

You don’t understand. I don’t want it on IF, but I own it, so I want it back to put somewhere else.

You can just change the nameservers of your domain.

Do I need to do that before they permanently delete the account?

It doesn’t matter. You own the domain, you can control it and use it however you want.


Thank you. I do appreciate all of your help, greenreader! You’ve been super helpful, IF just isn’t a good fit for me, obviously.


I’m sorry you’ve had this experience. One well intended but bad plugin shouldn’t result in your account getting termination due to an error on our end.


I just could never fix the site, because it would last for 30 minutes. Then it was off for 24 hours, usually more, actually. I’d love to leave it there, if it would work, but I don’t know where to go from here.


That should be fine, unless it is on MOFH network


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