Certificate ssl

This is not a good answer for us… it is not possible to use Let’s Encrypt certificates (and sslforfree.com by extension) on InfinityFree.
So please let us know at ones how to get this work… the SSL certificate and how to set up our web secure. I went to many free SSL web pages but any one works with infinity free… please whats the solution and the steps one by one to get this corrected.

THIS IS WERE I get the certificate from. but I guess it is not the certificate … just the cr and the key then it is impossible to set this up with infinity,… can you please help me… as a matter of fact my wpform doenst work no matter what i do for several times it doesnt send me the emails… thanks a lot. I have ben work a lot and spended so much time building this web to give up… thanks again.

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