Cloudfare SSL not working

Hi, I’m having an issue with my Cloudfare SSL who doesn’t work and I think it’s because of the DNS configuration.

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is: that the certificate isn’t valid.

I’m using this software: Xenforo, a forum CMS

Do I need to send you the DNS configuration of my cloudfare ? Thanks.

You also need to change the nameservers to Cloudflare ones from your domain registrar’s nameservers management panel if you want to use Cloudflare with your DNS configuration!

But my site won’t work if I do this.

It will work just if the Cloudflare thing that shows “Error 1016: Origin DNS error” gets fixed.

And how can I fix it ?

It may fix automatically just after the domain is renewed.

I don’t understand, I need to wait until the domain isn’t valid to buy it again ?

InfinityFree’s admin may need to renew, because he owns it. You don’t absolutely need to do anything until it’s fixed, then you can change to Cloudflare nameservers.

I just need to wait until that domain is renewed by the owner ? Right ?

Yes, you are right.

Okay thank you, I’ll wait, can the admin report in if he renews the domain ? Thanks.

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Recently the Admin posted something about this:

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Thanks for helping me.

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