Cloudflare user needs ip address

Hello, When I try to add my own domain name it says that I need to point my domain at infinity’s nameservers first which I understand. Yet; I am a clouflare user so instead of pointing at nameservers I point at an IP address. What is InfinityFree.nets IP address? Thank You.

@jwreid said:
Hello, When I try to add my own domain name it says that I need to point my domain at infinity’s nameservers first which I understand. Yet; I am a clouflare user so instead of pointing at nameservers I point at an IP address. What is InfinityFree.nets IP address? Thank You.

Once you have signup to Cloudflare, it will automatically create a DNS records point to InfinityFree, so why it is not there?

You can lookup InfinityFree’s IP here:

@jwreid said:
Hello, When I try to add my own domain name it says that I need to point my domain at infinity’s nameservers first which I understand. Yet; I am a clouflare user so instead of pointing at nameservers I point at an IP address. What is InfinityFree.nets IP address? Thank You.

No, First you have to points towards Infinityfree Servers by updating Nameservers then you can move your site to Cloudflare back by re updating Nameservers you can’t add your domain by just pointing an A records on free hosting for that purpose you have to update if you want to add website but not changing the Nameservers.

I trimmed some pointless bickering from this article (in case someone is missing some posts).

The article linked by @MrJunior should answer your question. Please note that you need to add your domain name to your account first before you can use Cloudflare’s nameservers, and you need to point your domain name to our nameservers to be able to add it to your account. But all of that is explained in the article.

@Admin said:
I trimmed some pointless bickering from this article (in case someone is missing some posts).

The article linked by @MrJunior should answer your question. Please note that you need to add your domain name to your account first before you can use Cloudflare’s nameservers, and you need to point your domain name to our nameservers to be able to add it to your account. But all of that is explained in the article.

But isn’t that what I was also saying? Anyway.
I really do not understand, I just exp;ained that he must fistly change NS and you deleted it?

@ChrisPAR said:

@Admin said:
I trimmed some pointless bickering from this article (in case someone is missing some posts).

The article linked by @MrJunior should answer your question. Please note that you need to add your domain name to your account first before you can use Cloudflare’s nameservers, and you need to point your domain name to our nameservers to be able to add it to your account. But all of that is explained in the article.

But isn’t that what I was also saying? Anyway.

It’s also what the article says already, but that didn’t deter you from repeating it. So since you either didn’t read or didn’t understand the article, I repeated it here specially for you.

You said the article was not applicable here and MrJunior was wrong to link it here. Despite the article explaining exactly what you said was the reason the article does not apply.

And you don’t need to reiterate everything that’s in a knowledge base article. The point of the knowledge base article is that you don’t have to explain everything over and over again to different people.

Also, note how I called the posts “pointless bickering” and removed all your posts. This post of yours is also pointless bickering.

EDIT Did some more cleaning up in this topic.

@ChrisPAR You’re making yourself look like an utter idiot by constantly making mistakes in your answering, and then fight to the end to defend your post. You clearly enjoy repeating yourself, but I don’t. So I would like to remind you of this message I directed at you before: