Configuração de email

Hi, good afternoon, I’m having a serious problem, I’m hosting my site here but the users that log and can not be activated, and I can not configure, please help me

The title of this post seems to not be in English, but that doesn’t matter.
mail() function is limited for activation emails only, so if you have a website here on our platform, please consider configuring SMTP with the plugin “WP Mail SMTP” with the Gmail API (if you configured WordPress with a Gmail email) or upgrade to Premium Hosting as the mail() function is not restricted in any way and you can send emails like a professional sender.

e como eu faço isso, eu não sei fazer esta configuração. e eu preciso fazer as ativações dos usuarios no meu site me ajude por favor

Please type in English next time! A translated quote powered by me can help me to tell the proof, even if I’m not Portuguese, but I tried to do the best to translate the post:

You need to install the “WP Mail SMTP” plugin. Just go on the wp-admin, login, click on “Plugins”, “Add New”, search for “WP Mail SMTP”, install and enable it. Then use this tutorial to configure it with Gmail (if you configured WordPress with your Gmail email).

I do not use WP, I’m using joomla, if I access the page it will see what I’m talking about. There has to be something I can do to solve it, I have spent so much time configuring the page, I only need a mechanism to validate the re-orders when they are made.

Then access from yourdomain/admin the Joomla Admin, and then: How do I use Gmail as my mail server? (from the Joomla Documentation). If it doesn’t work please make sure you enabled Two-Factor Authentication and generated an app-specific password from the Google account settings, then use it without spaces inserted in the 4 rows of 4 numbers if you are on Joomla.

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