Confused with the Identity of Infinity Free

Do the server of Infinity Free located in the US, while IfastNet (who powers Infinity Free) have their servers in the UK?

This website InfinityFree web hosting review | TechRadar says that Infinity Free’s server is in the US.

Then this one says that the IFastNet is in the UK .

Can anyone confirm that Ifastnet is in the UK, while Infinity Free is in the US.

I am really really confused, but anyways Infinity Free is still a good service even I am running WordPress with Woocommerce.

InfinityFree does not have any presence of any kind in the US. I don’t know where TechRadar got the notion from that InfinityFree is from the US, because it’s false. None of our servers are in the US either (not including XVHOST, that’s fully US hosted).

iFastNet is a company from the UK, and that’s where sites are hosted as well.

InfinityFree is a company from the Netherlands. Most of our own management infrastructure (like this forum) is in NL as well.


Okay Thank You. The reason why I have been asked this is because of GPDR, which is not mandatory in the US.

The data stored on InfinityFree is GDPR compliant. InfinityFree’s community may not touch the database and they don’t touch the data too. So you may be safe with your data, even if it’s stored in a MySQL database.

No, but if you are US based and serving in the EU, you still must follow GDPR regulations, or you could loose the ability to service EU users.


I was actually based in the Philippines and not serving outside of the Philippines. We have here a Data Privacy Law (comparable to the GPDR, but not the same).

I am just curious because of the privacy of the servers (TechRadar cites a wrong server location). Because I need to be also privacy-compliant because we have here also some privacy laws.

This line says that the wrong US Server (TechRadar) of Infinity Free is not covered by GPDR and not my home country and servicable area.

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