Couldn't Delete post from this community

i have some topic that i have posted , now i cannot edit or delete that topics. The problem is not that.You have published it into Google and other Search engins . so our clients can see the topics by searching it in Google or other resources. it couses our branding. just think this problem as you are a developer!

i cannot accept this methord !

its our freedom to decide how run our topic and when it should be edit or delete etc…

@Admin or other agents should be answered for this matter !

i beg you again to give access to our topics or delete it or remove indexing this topic from Search engins

I see an Opposite energy in your comments? xD (e.g. using bold and big font)

You simply can let moderators to know.

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here is one screenshorts also, it contain url

And many thanks for deleting all Urls

Thank you @anon19508339

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Thank you so much


in DuckDuckGo

in Google

I think it will be changed soon!

Well you have to ask google and duckduckgo for that,we can’t remove urls from Cached Search Engine Data


Why you can’t ?

Remove this page from your sitemap or use no-index in meta tag !

The sitemap of this forum is automatically generated and is submitted to Search Engine and it is not editable.
Fo the no-index tag I have no idea(Only Admin can do it)

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Well this tag/ping is useless coz Admin has disabled Ping notifs.
Don’t worry,he views and replies to most topics.
(Believe me he is a very good guy)


@anon77371365 and @Admin have use sweat words always ! i liked it


sweat words?

i meant , giving the answers perfectly and atractively !

Don’t think more…



Ahh sorry I misunderstood that as

swear words

Sorry, my brain is tiny



mm! Great

If you can please answer for

This is a community support forum. We’re not your personal servers who you can just ask a question, demand our time to help you and then delete the stuff afterwards because you don’t need it anymore.

If you don’t want your questions to be public, don’t post your questions on a publicly accessible forum.

Yes, this forum is indexed by search engines. But everything should be tuned in such a way that any website URLs posted here should not affect your search engine rankings.

Of course, if you have a brand new site with no traffic or reputation, then search engines have no idea what your site is, see that the name is on this forum and show this forum because they know and trust it. Especially when Google recognizes you and knows that you’ve also visited this forum and may be interested in visiting it again.

And big surprise that if you include “infinityfree” with the search query it will include resources from InfinityFree in the results. But who would ever search for that?

But as soon as you get some search engine reputation of your own, it should quickly replace these forum results.


Contact Google, Bing and DDG to remove your given pages from their index.