Couldn't fetch in my sitemap

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Please guys i need help over 2 weeks now my sitemap is showing me couldn’t fetch I have tried everything I could to resolve this error but I don’t know where it’s coming from please I need your help it’s really affecting my seo ranking

I assume that your talking about Google Search Console. You can submit the sitemap as many times as you want, but it will only be indexed when Google’s algorithm decides that it’s right. Plus, a sitemap only helps for search engines that can’t automatically index your site. Google and Bing (as well as Yahoo!) and other notable search engines should be able to automatically index your site. Honestly, IMO, sitemaps are an artifact left from the early days of the web.


I know my site pages have been indexed already but my site has not appeared in any search results so far but all my pages have been indexed but they are not appearing in Google what’s wrong

Well, your site doesn’t have a lot of reputation. You can also try appending to the end of a search query for your website.

You may also want to see this thread, though:


Yes have tried that i it showed me the list of my indexed pages but it won’t appear on search

What do you mean by that? What list of indexed pages are you referring to?

If you searched for and saw the pages on your site there, that means Google has crawled and indexed your site. Which is as much as you can do for “appearing in search results”.

As for why the your site doesn’t show up if you search for anything else (including the exact title of your site), that all comes down to how the search engines chooses how to rank search results. Just because Google knows your pages exists doesn’t mean they’ll show it to anyone. If they feel better results are available, your site won’t be found.

And as @wackyblackie said: the fact that you have a brand new site using a free domain from a poor country in Africa probably doesn’t help.


You can also try adding site to Google search console. This may improve but as all others have said “Content dicates”.
Sure you have a site. But:
• Is the content on it good?
• Is it competent?
• Does your site has a good reputation?
• Enough monthly visits?
• Has been online long enough?
If answer to all that is yes, then just wait. It’ll get sorted out immediately. If no, you have your answer.
No worries. As my site appeared first time on google yesterday, this isn’t something to worry about. Keep working on your site, give the search engines some time and improve the quality of your site.
This is what Google said abomy site:
• Connection is secure.
• This site is relatively new.
• Google hasn’t seen this site before.
• It doesn’t have enough visits.
I still have a long way to go and so do you.
Try visting:

And again,
“Content dictates everything. A useful site with no sitemap, open graph, seo etc can beat a site with cheap content having all the ‘fancy’ stuff.”

Admin’s Africa part was a bit harsh. Anyways good luck.


Okay I finally got it my domain is the cause of everything I made a few research on freenom and it happens to almost everybody using the freenom free domains I will purchase a domain for my site anf see if that solves everything

If its about Google requirements I can say i measure up to 90% of it so that won’t be the problem
When i am done with the domain i will get back to you guys thanks alot for your help

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