Critical problem

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL


Error Message

Me dice que hay un error crítico en esta web. Consulte la bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico del administrador de su sitio para obtener instrucciones.


Other Information

el sitio web ha estado funcionando bien durante 3 meses, pero desde hace una semana no me deja iniciar sesión.

Please note that this is an English speaking forum.


the website has been working fine for 3 months, but since a week it won’t let me log in.

It tells me that there is a critical error on this website. Check your site administrator’s email inbox for instructions.


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I think he was translating it, as you told him that it is an english forum.


Oops! Sorry for my rudeness. @Malsac3883 I already linked to a guide.

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I was translating it, my domain is

All right, sorry. Please see:

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the website has been working fine for 3 months but since a week ago it won’t let me log in.

It tells me that there is a critical error on this website. Please check your site administrator’s email inbox for instructions.


If you have a problem, please create a topic. You have already said the same thing in another topic.

Spamming in other people’s topics doesn’t help them, or you.

We are willing to help you, but like I said, please create your own topic first :slight_smile:


I’m sorry, I didn’t know what topic to put it in, since it could be in both. I wasn’t looking to spam or annoy anyone.

I’ll open a new thread then

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If you have a problem, it is usually best to simply make your own topic.

Create a new one, we’ll see ya there!


I merged you topics @Malsac3883.

@Thewebuser22 is correct. Creating a new topic will almost never be an issue, but hijacking’s others topics almost always will be


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