Css doesnt load

My website is https://secrety.jeejee.cf , and always when I update my css it doesnt update, those user and pass should be in middle.

Donā€™t make multiple topics (Css doesnt load - #3 by Deveroonie)

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  • Pressing CTRL shift R - You activate the function with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl - Shift - R , Shift -F5, or by holding down Shift before you activate the reload button. Chrome ignores the cache and will load all resources from the web page again. ā€¦ It includes the empty cache and hard reload option that you may use.

  • Or go in incognito mode

And yes, the uname and password are in the middle

This happens because of caching. CSS files are mostly static, therefore browser stores it. Refreshing browser cache will fix this.


didnt work tihe me when did everything u said used opera and chrome. Seems like pc issue or smth.

Usually it works for me
Try clearing your cache if you havenā€™t

did it too
I can try it again

I see youā€™re using Cloudflare on your site. Please understand that all the performance enhancements of Cloudflare are primarily achieved through caching. Cloudflare speeds up site by caching your site in their edge network across the world, so the cache is served quickly to your visitors.

So if you want content updates to be visible immediately, you need to implement some cache busting system in your website, or just donā€™t use Cloudflare.

EDIT: I also merged your topics. Please donā€™t double post. Next time, both topics will be deleted.


I have developemnt mode on that disables caches, and have cleared cached hasnt work still.

you are using cloudflare got to https://dash.cloudflare.com/username/website/caching/configuration/
and click purge everything
then in your website use ctrl + R or ctrl + F5

didnt work

Please make sure to first enable Develoment Mode in Cloudflare, and then clear your browser cache (or just check the site in Incognito mode).

And IIRC Cloudflare automatically disables Development Mode after a few hours. If you want Development Mode to be permanently on, donā€™t use Cloudflare.

i dont use Development Mode
and also Incognito mode

And thereā€™s your problem: if you donā€™t bypass the cache in your browser AND in Cloudflare, youā€™ll keep seeing old content.

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