CSS files not found but works locally?

I have disabled force https now.

Page loads but still cannot get into wp-admin :frowning:

Now, all I can see when accessing your wp-admin is HTTP error 508

This means that you used one or more of your daily resources and the resource Limit Is reached.

I will try one solution at a time for now, thank you.

I might try this sometime tho!:slight_smile:

Working with Katufo on it now still

You did something work here, you didnā€™t remove those four databases.

which databases?

many thanks!

I remove it for you. For padlock, install or enable the Cloudflare again on your website.

Enable the Automatic HTTPS Rewrites & Always Use HTTPS and set again to Flexible

go for a reinstall or just change settings?

Just re-enable the Cloudflare for your site and set Automatic HTTPS Rewrites & Always Use HTTPS. Thatā€™s all!

Now check your website and tell us if you have now a green ā€˜padlockā€™.

yes those settings seem to have worked, thank you so much!

Glad to help and to work you with!

If you were facing a problem in the future, just comment here or make a new topic and we will help you with.

Just to note here, these are our official instructions on how to make WordPress work with Cloudflare.

Please note that it specifically says that you should NOT use the Automatic HTTPS Rewrites feature. That feature is a last resort which has a tendency to cause really strange errors. If it works for you, then all is fine. But if you get any weird errors later on, you may want to try following these recommendations.


Thank you for this!

I didnā€™t know what the feature does exactly so was avoiding changing it.

Iā€™ll try disabling it now as it could be the cause of the errors I have seen.

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