Custom domain on Cloudflare

Hello, I have a domain name, linked to Cloudflare account (with Cloudflare DNS).
I read here that I can use it like that:

If you have your own domain name and want to manage your DNS through Cloudflare, that’s possible as well. To do that, first disable Cloudflare through our control panel, then login to your Cloudflare account and add your domain through there. Cloudflare will scan our nameservers and set the appropriate records for your domain. They will also give you two nameservers which you need to set for your domain name through your registrar instead of our nameservers.

But I can’t simply make this step - “add your domain through there”, because I need to add ip for CNAME, and is not working. What should I do?


Thank you, it sort-of worked. But now my site redirects to [suspendeddomain(.)org. I’ve read this article, but I still don’t understand the reason. In my Cloudflare account I created CNAME for my domain, leading to (my Main domain). It would think it’s related to DNS caching, but usually domains proxied through Cloudflare updates pretty fast. And I also tried accessing my domain through proxies, with same result.

I also just remembered that when I disabled Cloudflare in control panel, there was message:

After making a change here DNS needs to update / propegate for cloudflare status to change, this can take up to 24 hours

So, maybe that’s the reason?

The reason is actually in the article you linked to yourself, specifically in the paragraph “The domain is not attached to any hosting account”. Because your account currently only has a subdomain assigned to it, not any custom domains.

And I would also like to point out the bold section at the top of the article which @Niekon shared:

To add your domain name to your account, you MUST point it to the nameservers! Simply pointing the domain to your account IP will not allow you to add the domain name to your account! You can only do this after the domain name has been added to your account.


You have to use a “DNS Lookup”, like DNS Lookup
put your hosting DNS and it give you your IP number:

IPv4 address for
Domain Name Server:

This number is what you put to the CNAME in cloudflare.

If you dont understand how to add Cloudflare manually, check this

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