Did I change wp-config.php correctly? Do I have to wait for the website to show up?

My website URL is: http://glmpodcasts.org/

What I’m seeing is:

I’m new to all of this so please forgive if these questions sound dumb.

My company used to have a website hosted on WordPress and I just moved it over to InfinityFree. I have uploaded all the files in the appropriate folder, htdocs. I then edited wp-config.php. Could someone please tell me if I edited this properly?

If I did change it properly, why is the website still showing up with the default InfinityFree screen? Do I have to wait some time for it to work? Do I have to install WordPress for it to work?

I’m using this software: I’m using the InfinityFree file manager on the Google Chrome browser to edit the files, but I used Filezilla to upload the files to InfinityFree.

Additional information:

You must delete the index2.html file and name a file index.
Changes will be shown automatically when you clear the cache of your browser. Press F5.

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SPOILER: You also just gave your password to everybody. :anger:



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I reset your password to a random value. Feel free to change it if you want, just make sure to not reuse the password you used before, because it’s compromised now.

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