Disk quota exceeded

When uploading files with FTP I get a message Disk quota exceeded.
I am not able to upload any files.

Status: Starting upload of k:\pics\2009\2009-05-22\DSCF0449.JPG
Command: CWD /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21: No such file or directory
Command: CWD /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009
Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009
Command: MKD 2009-05-21
Response: 550 Can’t create directory: Disk quota exceeded
Command: MKD /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21
Response: 550 Can’t create directory: Disk quota exceeded
Command: CWD /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21: No such file or directory
Command: SIZE /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21/20090521-165139-P1030440.JPG
Response: 550 Can’t check for file existence
Command: PASV