Disk quota exceeded

When uploading files with FTP I get a message Disk quota exceeded.
I am not able to upload any files.

Status: Starting upload of k:\pics\2009\2009-05-22\DSCF0449.JPG
Command: CWD /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21: No such file or directory
Command: CWD /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009
Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009
Command: MKD 2009-05-21
Response: 550 Can’t create directory: Disk quota exceeded
Command: MKD /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21
Response: 550 Can’t create directory: Disk quota exceeded
Command: CWD /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21: No such file or directory
Command: SIZE /htdocs/piwigo/galleries/2009/2009-05-21/20090521-165139-P1030440.JPG
Response: 550 Can’t check for file existence
Command: PASV

What does the INODE limit in your control panel say? If that’s full, that explains the error. The inode limit is the limit of the number of files and directories your account can contain. If you hit that limit, you will need to delete some directories from your website or upgrade your account.

Okay that makes sense. So there is a hard limit of ~30k inodes, not the more traditional 100-250k I would expect.
I also noticed ftp disconnect when uploaded files are larger than 25MB. Its not really infinite then is it?

unlimited or infinite just means unmetered. doesn’t mean unlimited space. its better then a set amount but it does have a limit to what can be done still.

Yes @raymundvanos there is 30k iNode limit. I am not sure about FTP, but there is PHP file upload limit. And there are no Infinite hosts on world. It’s not physically posibble to create a server or hard drive that could store infinite amount of files. And on main page of our hosting it says: Unlimited not Infinite.

Unlimited means, unlimited in normal ways. Obviously we are not going to allow people make file storages on our servers or upload 100s of Gigabytes of files. Of course if you are running small showcase site or small forum community or simply a blog then our hosting is good to go for you, but if you want to upload gigabytes and even terabytes of files, then it’s a no… You will have to look for a more specialised hosting for that.

Anyways if you ever want to host something bigger or if you want more features and less limits then you can upgrade to our Premium hosting-XVHost, you can upgrade to Premium hosting only for $3.45. I can personally recommend you, there are alot of nice features such as: MIME types, Pear packages, Ruby on rails, no iNode limits, you can configure PHP settings with .htaccess files, alot more settings than on free hosting, you can create even sub.sub.sub.sub.domains, you can easily install Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate with one click and there are other features too.

So if you ever plan to upgrade then our Premium hosting could be way to go.

Happy to help,
