DNS Domain problem

sorry for my English.
My problem: Change my domain, and the new domain does not load my web, neither does wordpress.
It just says “Directory List” …

image: https://ibb.co/eAtYjo
iamge: https://ibb.co/h940VT

Help pls!

@Maxim95 said:
sorry for my English.
My problem: Change my domain, and the new domain does not load my web, neither does wordpress.
It just says “Directory List” …

image: https://ibb.co/eAtYjo
iamge: https://ibb.co/h940VT

Help pls!

It is showing dir listing because you haven’t uploaded any files on your root folder (htdocs) and the browser didn’t see the index file so it will return a dir listing.

You can disable dir listing by inserting this on the .htaccess file on your root folder.
Code: Options -Indexes

While the .htaccess rule will disable the directory listing, it will not make your website appear. To make that work, you can either move your website to the new domain (see the official article about moving WordPress) or remove the domain and add it as a parked domain to your initial domain.

That said, it looks like you already deleted the initial domain, which means moving the website is your only option. Or, if the site is new, just install a new copy of WordPress.