DNS status "NOT Ready" for more than 2 days


NO error

I have waited for almost 3 days now. One ist “ready”, the other not

Your domain name has an unknown nameserver ns3.netim.net configured in addition to our nameserver. Please remove that nameserver from your domain, and only use ns1.epizy.com and ns2.epizy.com. After 12-24 hours, you should be able to verify your domain successfully.

If it still doesn’t work 24 hours after removing the bad nameserver, just reply here and I’ll take another look.


Hello, same is issue with my DNS status, for the past 3 months im waiting. the other one is ready and the other was not.
I put the correct nameservers ns1.epizy.com and ns2.epizy.com.

hope you can check mine too.

Please provide your website url so we can check

mine is here http://ninanonisaportfolio.cf/
convert it underconstruction, both dns not ready :frowning:
will be greate if you can help me to fix. Thanks!

Your NS hasn’t propagated!

Check here^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

yeah dns not ready for the past 3 months.
how can i do??

You need to delete the _acme-challenge.www CNAME record and add it again with the correct destination field for that subdomain, and not the same one as _acme-challenge. After that, you need to wait from a hour to 24 hours and the status should be ready again.


Okay, will re do it again. thanks

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