Domain Redirect

probably the same old question, but I can’t find the answer.
I have a Domain MBSOFT.NU DNS hosted by NUNAMES.NU and I would like the (and only) www to point to MARTINBRIEGER.COM hosted by InfinityFree including DNS.
For the A record of I have a pointer (entry) to the IP of, however, I always get the suspendeddomains site.
I wouldn’t want to do a DNS transfer of my MBSOFT.NU.

What do I have to do?


I think what I am missing in all the research I have done is: What exactly triggers that Suspendeddomain to come up in the first place.

Did you find this article in your research as well? Because I think it’s exactly what you’re looking for:

In your case, the issue is that the domain is not assigned to a hosting account. That’s explained as one of the possible reasons in this section:


I draw a blank. How exactly would I assign MBSOFT.NU to a hosting account?
Keep in mind, I do not wish to change my DNS provider.

If I add the MBSOFT.NU domain, I have to change the Name Servers. That is what it says. It is not what I desire.

I’m sorry, but that’s how it works. An alternative domain verification method is on the wish list, but not something I can offer you right now.

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Couldn’t I just have an A record on your DNS and leave the rest as is?
Why transfer the whole DNS hosting transfer when you only read the DNS database? It seems to be only an internal process.

I did the DNS transfer and got it to work


No, because you need to assign the domain to your account. And to assign the domain to your account, it has to point to our nameservers first.

We verify domain ownership by checking the domain nameservers at the parent nameservers (usually the domain registry). Since those nameservers control which provider hosts your domain’s DNS, then transferring the entire DNS hosting is essentially what you’re doing.

It’s our procedure to verify domain names before adding them to an account, and it’s our procedure to verify domain names in this way. We could not check this or check this in another way, but we won’t and we can’t.

And if we choose to do an alternative domain verification method, it will be done at scale for all users, not by checking specific domain names for specific customers by hand.


This is the dumbest response possible.
A whois verification is done in no time and for matter of purpose not even needed.

I am very sorry. I have done Internet since it’s baby years and I hate school boys.

Whilst I am very grateful for the service provided, the knowledge needs to improve.

I’m sorry, but what are you trying to achieve with statements like that? Are you trying to “prove” that you’re superior by personally insulting me and our platform? Because all you’ve done so far is call our method stupid and dumb, and imply that I’m a school boy, without any evidence that there is a better way.

So how would you suppose a WHOIS check would work? Especially in away that a) can be automated and b) doesn’t require you and other customers to publicly expose lots of personal information?

Would you rather publicly expose your WHOIS contact information and send us a copy of your government photo ID so we can confirm that the details match? Because we don’t want to check domains by hand and don’t want to be responsible for handling identification documents securely.

If you are grateful for the service, but feel our knowledge is lacking, would you be willing to improve our knowledge by explaining this WHOIS verification system a bit more? You prove your knowledge and improve ours, so that would be a win-win, right?


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