Elementor not loading

Username is epiz_33052745 and site URL https://mink-ivanjica.epizy.com/
Hello, I have a problem with my elementor panel. It doesn’t loading at all. I’ve looked for online fixes but nothing is working so I decided to ask here.

I tried configuring wp.config, htaccess, looking for conflict plugins and found that my ShopLentor is problem, when I turn it off everything is working properly, so if someone knows how to repair this problem, or to tell me what plugin can I use for single product page that’s not ShopLentor (WooLentor).

P.S. I am using free InfinityFree hosting plan.

Hello and welcome to the forum!

Please search the forum before creating a new post:

Essentially, Elementor is not a good plug-in to run on free hosting because it is very resource-heavy and can get you suspended quickly, especially during development time.


Sorry, but I don’t think we are talking about same thing. My Elementor is working, I can see everything on my site but when I add ShopLentor, Elementor panel won’t load.



Like @wackyblackie said, elementor will not work well on free hosting. It’s your choice


So I have to upgrade to better version of infinity free?

There is only one version of infinityfree

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If you absolutely need this functionality of Elementor, you may consider premium hosting, or find alternative plugins that suit your needs.


That sounds like Elementor itself is working fine, but this ShopLentor addon is breaking things.

Looking at the description, it looks like ShopLentor is an addon for the combination of WooCommerce and Elementor. WooCommerce are both very big, complex and demanding plugins. Add both to your site and it’s pretty much guaranteed you’ll run into the limits of free hosting.


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