Email problem

Name serer are not managed by us.

Itā€™s humble request kindly help me

I donā€˜t work or own InfinityFree so I canā€™t do much.

You can add an SPF record for your domain through the ā€œSPF Recordsā€ section in the control panel.

I just checked the results you shared before, which currently show me a 7.5/10. If you add the SPF record, that will be 8.5/10. While itā€™s not perfect, it should be more than enough to get your email accepted.

If the target mail provider still doesnā€™t accept your message, you may want to contact them about it as well. Because either they broke something, or just have ridiculously harsh spam filters. In either case, thatā€™s a problem on their end, and not something we can fix.

sorry to bother, Iā€™m having an issue with my email. I have the mx record in cpanel & everything looks good but, when I send a message from anywhere it will not receive in the inbox or anywhere else. What might be wrong? webpage , Iā€™m thinking the mx record has not propagated yet but I just want to be sure. Thanks for your reply.

Can you use Spam Emails Tester to test the emails and see if theyā€™re likely to go in the spam or not?

ok I did run the check and itā€™s working and also sent email from gmail account to and it sent, so I think the prob could be my php contact page. I will do an overview of my pages and see what is causing it not to send. Thanks again.

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