Enable "allow_url_fopen"

Hi, I recently installed this on my website : Ember - donation system, bans, loading screen & landing/index page · gmodstore

While installing it, they told me that the requirements weren’t fulfilled and what I need is this :


Thanks for helping me.

allow_url_fopen is already enabled by default on free hosting. If the software you’re installing detects it isn’t installed, it’s a bug of the software and you should contact their developers for that.

I just dumped a PHPinfo page on one of my own testing accounts and this is the configured setting for allow_url_fopen:

As you can see here, allow_url_fopen is On.

I don’t have this particular software you’re trying to set up, but I did analysis on other software which incorrectly reported the setting to be disabled, and found out that the code they used to check PHP options was incomplete. Maybe the post will help you convince the developers to check their code.

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