Erro de ssl

Estou tendo um problema com SSL quando coloco a Private Key e o certificado para validação, diz que ambos são inválidos mas fiz todo o processo certinho e travo nessa etapa. Já verifiquei em navegadores diferentes a mensagem de erro é a seguinte: “The private key you are trying to upload is not valid.” e a do certificado é: “The certificate uploaded is NOT for the domain name ( was seen)”. Só que eu já verifiquei e está tudo certo com o domínio.

Welcome to the forum! In the future, please type in English, thanks!
Can you please let us know where you are getting the SSL certificate from? (LetsEncript, InfinityFree’s Free SSL, ect.)

Eu peguei o SSL grátis do Infinity free (Let’s Encript)

Please type in english, as this is an english forum (You can use an online translator if you don’t know english)
Please also share your sites URL

Edit: sorry, did not see the URL in the first post, please read @TigerMANEK426’s post below.



Clearly whatever SSL Certificate source you are using is not valid. The issue you are encountering means that whatever you are uploading to the cPanel is invalid.

Where are you getting the Certificate from? (As in what website, we know the Cert is Let’s Encrypt).

If you are using the InfinityFree SSL Tool, then please follow this guide to install your Certificate properly:

Okay, I will write in English.

I’m getting this certificate directly from Infinity Free, I did exactly the same as this tutorial, but you’re telling me as if the certificate were for another domain. I already checked and didn’t write anything wrong any letter out of place. What else can I do to resolve this?

Please send a screenshot from the ssl dashboard (where the keys are provided)

where are the private key and certificate ??
do you need to see the entire key and certificate? or the previous panel where it shows domain, destination, etc.?

Uploading: Screenshot_2.png…

Well your second screenshot did not upload, but I can understand from the first one.

To clarify, you are copying and pasting the text from the screen you showed into the control panel, and leaving the 3rd box that is in the control panel blank, correct?


If you are confused with that explanation, let me know with a screenshot of the control panel!

Sorry, friend i don’t understand.

Screenshot CNAME record from VPanel


Entry looks correct.

Can you install the private key first?

Take the Private Key you already have, paste it in the Private Key field and click Upload Key.

  • When uploading the certificate and private key, there are lines at the top and bottom like --- BEGIN PRIVATE KEY ---. These lines must also be included when uploading the private key and certificate.

Screenshot when done

The problem is that on google chrome I try to upload and nothing happens. In other browsers it gives as an invalid key and “certificate is not for this domain”, I don’t know what else to do.

Hmmm…can you screenshot the private key and SSL cert from the infinityfree SSL tool area.
Step by step screenshot of what you did would be helpful.

Watch this short video. I show all the screens and the error that appears to me … (silent video)

erro ssl

Can you remove the private key and CSR(not needed) from VPanel first.
Pls copy private key from Infintyfree and upload.
Then copy SSL cert from Infintyfree and upload.

Just as a note, i’ve noticed sometimes that when copying the Private Key & Cert from InfinityFree you can sometimes pick up an extra line of spaces, which when entered into the control panel, will cause these sorts of errors.

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Are you using automatic web page translation on the client area? If so, that may be mangling the private key and certificate.

Please try disabling the web page translation before copying the private key and certificate.