Error 500 while uploading picture

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Error Message

Hello guys. I’m getting HTTP ERROR 500 while uploading a picture. Below is a screenshot of the error. Thank you.

Error picture

Hello there,

Have you tried re-uploading the picture? HTTP Error 500 usually means that your code crashed, your code probably crashed while it was trying to upload your picture.
Please check this Knowledge Base article out if you haven’t already:


Yeah I read the article but the code was working before and I haven’t touched code. Also I tried to upload the picture several times.

Can you try uploading different pictures? If you did not encounter an error with other images then maybe the specific image file type you are trying to upload makes your code crash?

… And what error do you see?

I tried the same pictures as I uploaded before when it was working but now the error occurs.

I uploaded the screenshot of the error above.

Then you haven’t read the article posted by @UnknownLolz

Simply enable display errors

I’m getting this error.

but it’s working on localhost


Infinityfree is upgrading php version 7.3 to 7.4


That means the fault is not on my side and I’ll be waiting for the server admins to fix the problem?

Its fixed.

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